...the way I did that - learning through examples...

пятница, 8 января 2010 г.

String trim sample

If you need to trim string and remove extra spaces from the middle of the string
you can use this simple sample:

string s = TextBox1.Text;
s = s.Trim(); // trim left and right spaces

while (s.IndexOf(" ") != -1) // it is 2 spaces in the quotes!!
s = s.Remove(s.IndexOf(" "), 1); // remove extra spaces in the middle of the string

Label1.Text = s;

It will take any input string from the TextBox1, i.e. like this:


where "_" is a space symbol, and trim it to the:


All our simple samples available as Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 website projects.
You can DOWNLOAD this String trim sample project from Rapidshare.

понедельник, 4 января 2010 г.

File upload sample

In ASP.NET websites you can upload file on server using the FileUpload web UI control.
(You can drag and drop the control from the Toolbox on the Web page in Design mode.)
The user specifies the file to upload by selecting the file by clicking the Browse button, and then locating it in the Choose File dialog box.
The FileUpload control does not automatically save a file to the server after the user selects the file to upload. You must provide a button that the user clicks to upload the file, in our sample it will be "Upload" button. Here is a code of the Upload button handler from our sample:
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)                          //  check whether the selected file
string path = @"C:\Received Files\"; // This specifies the path to the destination
path += FileUpload1.FileName; // add the file name to the path
FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(path); // ... and save
Label1.Text = FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength.ToString() + " Bytes saved";
Label1.Text = "You have not selected a file to upload";

All our simple samples available as Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 website projects.
You can DOWNLOAD this File upload sample project from Rapidshare.